Important Facts You Should Know About Birth Control Pills As A Plus-Sized Woman With PCOS

If you are a plus-sized woman and have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, you may be surprised that your birth control options and needs are more limited or complicated than they might otherwise be. Due to the hormonal fluctuations, ovulatory issues, health concerns and weight challenges that PCOS is known for causing, it is crucial for you to consider the following information about birth control pills when making decisions about their use.

Options For Male Infertility

Male infertility is relatively rare in the population when compared to female infertility. This means that it can feel even more alienating if you are a man and are not able to reproduce when you really want to care for a child. Before, there were not many medical treatments available for men who were suffering infertility. However, recent experiments have been performed and medical treatments have been developed to help reduce male infertility to a point where he is able to reproduce.

Tips For Preparing For A Home Birth

A home birth can be less stressful on both mom and child, since they will be able to relax and recover in the comfort of home. Getting organized and prepared beforehand is the key to a successful home birth. The following tips can help you get ready for your new bundle of joy. Tip #1: Gather the Basic Supplies Every birth requires some basic supplies. You may need to purchase these yourself or your midwife may provide them as a kit, so make sure to ask well in advance.

The Dreaded UTI: 4 Ways to Prevent Them Naturally and Relieve Your Pain

Urinary tract infections are annoying, unpleasant, and just downright cruel. More than likely, you've experienced one. If you haven't, then it is likely coming, as almost half of all adult women will have at least one UTI at some point in their lives. With roughly 20 percent of women likely to experience a recurrent UTI, it is crucial that you know how to prevent these infections from happening. If you've caught the infection and want to avoid getting it again, here are a few natural remedies to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections:

Q&A For Uterine Prolapse

Normally, your uterus rests on your pelvic floor. It is held in position by your ligaments, tissues and muscles. However, if your pelvic floor muscles become weak or get stretched, you could suffer from a uterine prolapse. Here are a few questions and answers to help you understand this condition: What is a prolapsed uterus? A prolapsed uterus describes a condition where the uterus has dropped into the canal of the vagina.