Options For Male Infertility

Male infertility is relatively rare in the population when compared to female infertility. This means that it can feel even more alienating if you are a man and are not able to reproduce when you really want to care for a child. Before, there were not many medical treatments available for men who were suffering infertility. However, recent experiments have been performed and medical treatments have been developed to help reduce male infertility to a point where he is able to reproduce. Here are some treatment options and how they will work for you.

1. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is one of the more common procedures for reducing male infertility and is also highly successful. The way that it works is that doctors collect ejaculate from a patient that wishes to resolve his own fertility problems. Most men who are infertile still have sperm in their ejaculate, which allows the doctors to run tests to figure out the stronger sperm from the weaker sperm. Once the doctor has the sample, he or she isolates one of the stronger sperm in the ejaculate and pushes the sperm into a pipette. An egg is then collected from the man's partner with whom he wants to have the child. The pipette is pressed into the egg's membrane and the sperm is forced into the egg, inseminating it. The egg is then put back into the body of the woman that it came from and she carries the baby to term. This is a form of in vitro fertilization.

If a man does not have any sperm in his ejaculate, then the doctor will need to get the sperm directly from his testicles. 

2. Hormonal Treatment

If it should be determined that a man's infertility is a result of a lack of specific hormones, he has the option of taking medication that will help improve these hormone levels and make it possible for him to produce sperm on a more regular basis, significantly increasing the chances that he is able to father a child naturally.

3. Blocking Off Veins

Finally, sometimes there are abnormal veins in a man's body that can cause it to be difficult for sperm to be created or for sperm to move down the shaft in the first place. Doctors are able to cut off these veins and keep them from interfering with a man's natural bodily processes that would otherwise allow him to be fertile.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in fertility issues, such as Women's Care Inc. 
