Symphysis Pubic Disorder (SPD): What You Need To Know

Symphysis pubic disorder (SPD) occurs during pregnancy and is a problem with the actual pelvis. It can also be referred to as pelvic girdle pain (PGP). It transpires when the symphysis pubis joint within the pelvis becomes unstable due to the ligaments swelling. Here's all you need to know, so you can treat symptoms and get the right help.

Why Does SPD Occur?

The pelvis is made up of bones that connect in a curve at the bottom of your spine. They support your legs, and have numerous ligaments holding everything together. When the joins become stiff or the ligaments stretch and loosen, this area can suffer from irritation and discomfort.

During pregnancy, the ligaments around the pelvis will start to stretch and loosen. The area needs to get ready for the birth of the baby. Some women will just suffer more from pain during this time than others.

It typically transpires during the middle of your pregnancy, but some women experience it after pregnancy too. You may suffer from it earlier in subsequent pregnancies.

Symptoms Experienced With SPD

Back and hip pain are the most common symptoms, and the pain can range from minor to severe. You may also experience some clicking or grinding in the pubic area.

Some people experience the pain in between their legs. This may be more noticeable when getting in and out of cars or on and off beds, when the legs are pulled apart. You may also experience it when you are rolling in the bed or walking up and down stairs.

Avoiding and Treating SPD

What can you do to prevent the pain from occurring? The good news is that you can take steps and may be able to avoid pain altogether. These steps can also help to treat and minimize the pain that you experience.

Strengthening the area of the body is the best thing to do. Work on your core stability, whether it is through the gym, swimming, or pregnancy yoga. You should always talk to a professional in pregnancy treatments to find something safe for you and your baby. Water aerobics or water gymnastics can help with strengthening and making it easier to exercise with the bump.

Speaking to a physiotherapist will also help. You will be able to get exercises to do daily, and they may also help to ease some labor pains!

Try to avoid opening your legs when rolling or getting in and out of cars. This will limit the amount you stretch the ligaments. Most women will find the pain disappears after pregnancy, when the ligaments get back to normal. For more information, contact a gynecologist in your area.
